Wheat is the second most produced cereal in the world

In Brazil, cereal production in the last harvest was 5.5 million tons distributed among the states as follows: Paraná, with 3.6 million; Rio Grande do Sul, with 1.5 million; São Paulo, with 263 thousand; Minas Gerais with 245 thousand and Santa Catarina with 117 thousand.
According to historical records, wheat was already produced on a large scale around 10,000 BC, in a region known as the Fertile Crescent, which today would connect Egypt to Iraq.
Among the main cereals currently produced in the world (second only to corn), wheat is the one that needs the least water. Temperate climate zones, with moderate rainfall and humidity below 75%, are favorable for planting.
In global cuisine, wheat flour is one of the most used ingredients and its quality is directly related to a series of factors such as the health of the grains, the state of conservation of the raw material and even the type of cereal.
Commission – The National Commission for Cereals, Fibers and Oilseeds of the CNA works to increase the supply of the product in Brazil, considering that domestic demand is around 10.7 million tons.
The Commission proposes a specific policy for the wheat chain, as production is insufficient to supply the internal market.
For the president of the Commission, Almir Dalpasquale, the Brazilian government needs to recognize the need to invest more in the development of this chain.
“Unfortunately, we have few public policies aimed at wheat cultivation. It is very important that the Brazilian government looks at this with better eyes, as it is a cereal of great importance on the Brazilian table”, he stated.
Source: CNA – Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil